The biggest reason people don't like setting goals is because they hate that feeling of failure when they don't make things happen. Sound familiar? Trust me, I get it...and as a matter of fact I have been there myself and it's no fun! But this is the isn't that we are incapable. There are a couple of other issues that do come into play though, and I'm going to talk to you a little bit about that today... For myself I make the most consistent strides forward towards any given goal when I have an accountability buddy. But I am also that weirdo who loves writing to-do lists so that I can check things off. My point is that declaring to someone what you are going to do, and then having daily (or weekly) check-ins to confirm that you have done it can be super empowering. This feeling of confidence starts to build inside you and you overhear yourself saying, "Look at me go!" And before you know it you are experiencing your dreams come true.
I'd love to help you get the ball rolling with my 8-week transformation coaching program, Inward Bound. And if you are on my email list you will have a special coupon code to save $500 if you sign up now. With love & light, Keli |
About the Author:Keli is an expert at helping people to manifest miracles in the areas of health, wealth, relationships & happiness. Are you ready for yours? Categories