Do you ever get so wrapped around the axel that you can't find your way back to peace? You know...when you catch someone in a lie, or you are treated like poop, or someone purposefully defies your boundary and you feel yourself coming unglued! Or perhaps you have been on the receiving end of this? You innocently mention that maybe that isn't the best color shirt for your friend to be wearing with their complexion and the next thing you know...KERPLOWEE!!! They blow up and are screaming at you about everything mean you've ever said since the second grade! I call this the "Red Zone"...and it isn't very pretty. But we've all been there at one point or the other, right? Getting triggered into our red zones can seem to happen without us even noticing what's happening. But once we're in there, it isn't so easy getting back out. When I was younger I was so easily emotionally overwhelmed that I would sometimes suffer for weeks (if not months) following a red zone episode and it didn't really make a difference if I was the one receiving or the one dishing it out. And I HATE to SUFFER! That's probably why I worked so hard to find a foolproof plan for cooling off as quickly as possible after one of these blow ups. And today I am going to share with you the 3 simple steps to cooling off... I'd love to hear your thoughts on the video...please leave them below! And if I can support you with a private session go ahead and schedule now.
With love & light, Keli |
About the Author:Keli is an expert at helping people to manifest miracles in the areas of health, wealth, relationships & happiness. Are you ready for yours? Categories