Welcome to the New Year! I am hoping that it is starting out exactly as you'd hoped and dreamed. I know mine has!
This is going to be a "7" year numerologically (2+0+2+3=7) which means this is the perfect year to focus on your Spiritual Development. So how do you intend to dive into your spirituality this year? What practices do you have in place that you want to expand with? Or do you feel a bit like you may be needing some support in that area? Not to worry! Wherever you are on your path, I would like to invite you to join me virtually on Wednesday evenings at 7pm eastern for an ongoing Spiritual Development Class. It will be a way for us to
Please make plans to join us this Wednesday. And if you have friends or loved ones that you think would like to join us, please feel free to forward them this email. The more the merrier! And don't forget to reserve your seat... CLICK HERE to reserve my seat now. It will be a 90 minute class filled with value and the cost is only $15 so I hope to see your bright, smiling face in class. If you have any questions about it, let me know, and other than that I will be looking forward to seeing you soon! With so much love and light, Keli |
About the Author:Keli is an expert at helping people to manifest miracles in the areas of health, wealth, relationships & happiness. Are you ready for yours? Categories