If you are a highly intuitive person you may be feeling the urge to shut down and go into hermit mode, but I am begging you...don't make this mistake! I actually saw a post on Facebook the other day that said "Spirit is calling for us to be very selective with whom we share our gifts and visions. Something big is happening." This post really got under my skin for a couple of reasons. First because Spirit would never call for us to do anything other than shine our love and light out into the world. And when the world becomes the darkest the lightworkers are needed the most. And second was because so many of the comments on the thread were people validating the idea for each other...basically giving each other permission to play small when the world needs them most. I gotta say...it bothered me. Probably a little more than I'd like to admit. Why? Because I believe that goodness always wins. And the only way to lose is to quit. I guess on some level it makes me crazy thinking of all these magnificent beings not being willing to be as open as they used to be. But I get it. There is a reason people are feeling this way...actually, seven reasons! In this short 15 minute video I will explain what is going on, how it is affecting you, and what you can do to use it to your advantage... So from the video you can see that this is the perfect time to be doing your healing work and diving into all of the fears, doubts and limiting beliefs that have been holding you back from shining your love & light out into the world. And since the planets are perfectly aligned for you to do this work, it will be accomplished with grace and ease.
If you should need support please schedule an appointment and I will guide you through your process. And I would love to hear any insights you may have in the comments below. With love & light, Keli |
About the Author:Keli is an expert at helping people to manifest miracles in the areas of health, wealth, relationships & happiness. Are you ready for yours? Categories